Saturday, October 20, 2012

Striving for Tomorrow

121 million children are out of education worldwide (Global Issues). In Sub- Saharan Africa, 176 million adults are unable to read and write, 21 million adolescents are not in school, and 32 million primary aged children are not in school either (African Library Project). Thandiwe Chama knows all too well the damage lack of education can do to a family and a nation. Thandiwe has had her own experiences that have forced her out of her right to education. She knows the frustration this robbery brings.  With first hand knowledge from her own past struggles, Thandiwe is driven to helping and demanding the right to education in a safe environment for all children.

Education is a necessity that all children have the right to. Thandiwe fights for education in a safe and healthy environment. She is driven to help all in her community, whether they are in the same situation or not. Thandiwe has had her own experiences that were troubling and chaotic, and as a result, she can comprehend the pain that families are going through, and she knows that education is the only way to a better life. Thandiwe was only 8 years old and her school closed down because of a lack of teachers. But Thandiwe did not accept this and demanded education for her and her 60 schoolmates” (Kid’s Rights). It is amazing that at the age of only eight Thandiwe had the mental ability to go against and not conform with events directed towards her and her peers.Having the mental ability to not conform with events that have happened to Thandiwe at the age of eight is amazing. Her understanding of  the importance of schooling at her age and state is remarkable and is something to share. “Thandiwe believes that education is the key to any child’s future” (Int. Peace Prize). She is determined to do anything and everything she can to help her community excel and develop. Even in the most abysmal conditions the girl excelled.  “Thandiwe Chama lives in one of the poorest neighbourhoods of the capital. Against all odds, Thandiwe is successful at school” (Int. Peace Prize).Thandiwe really shows how much she strives for her individual education and that of her peers. Even though growing up in a poor neighborhood is difficult, Thandiwe realizes the importance of knowledge and the grand effect it can have on one’s future.Thandiwe and everyone around her can use this knowledge to educate others and improve their life. It is through all this effort and learning that Thandiwe succeeded in demanding rights for children’s education. But she did not stop here, she exceeded expectations and currently helps those who are most in need.

Thandiwe Chama not only believes in schooling but also strives for education to those that are ill and too often, neglected. Chama knows how devastating a disease like HIV/Aids can impact a person’s life. She and her community help those in need by providing nutrition and support,  and bringing fresh fruit and books to many in the hospital. “Thandiwe has been fighting for the right to education for all children, including the poor and the ill”(In. Peace Prize). As I mentioned earlier Thandiwe has had first hand experience with living in a poor area. She makes sure that those who need most attention get it, and Thandiwe Chama makes sure that education is distributed fairly to all. Also the sixteen year old and her volunteers encourage families to test for HIV. “At this school I learned about rights. And I knew then that this was something I wanted to fight for” (Kid’s Rights).The teenager realized that she had power to change things for the better, and she used this to help her community even further. Thandiwe had already helped many children get an education out of the hot sun , and many other unacceptable situations. She is  now helping families in the hospital. From the day Thandiwe Chama made a difference, she used this ‘power’ and did all she could to help those in need. What I believe really earned her the peace prize, was not only number of people she has helped but Thandiwe’s determination to help them.

With the willpower and ambition to succeed, Thandiwe connects with children that are living in the same conditions that she once was. She uses this familiarization to help those with lack of education, by giving them hope and a drive to progress. Without strong minds like Thandiwe to improve on education in a whole, many children, not just in Thandiwe’s community but on a global scale, would be stripped of their right to school and any other necessities vital to their accomplishments in life. I believe Thandiwe is more than deserving of the Children’s Peace Prize Award, for all her efforts and achievements and for the better of hundreds of lives.

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