Razia Jan’s journey has been a real battle, each day she puts herself out in the open, potential attacks always in the back of her mind. But all these sacrifices seem to be paying off step by step."The overall education of girls in Afghanistan is a great success story," said Christine Roehrs, spokeswoman for Save the Children in Afghanistan. "Basically, you didn't have girls educated in 2001. And now we have 3 million girls in school." All of Razia Jan’s and many people with the same story have opened up lives more hundreds of girls his education will improve all their lives and possibilities long term and have created a life that would definitely be impossible without the small community schooling. “Although the violence against Afghan schoolgirls has dominated news headlines recently, reports from humanitarian groups like UNICEF, Oxfam and Save the Children say that a great deal of progress has been made.” As said, progress has been made, Razia Jan has been voted top ten CNN heroes of 2012, and evidently for many good reasons, but despite all her efforts, the violence on the ground never seems to stop. As more and more children get their chance at the liberty education can bring, the more the Taliban need to enclose them behind bars once more, and sometimes even forever.
Razia Jan and her students are a small but significant sign of rebellion and to show how they cannot conform to the Taliban’s form of a ‘Utopia’ The results of this rebellion can cause serious damage and can be very risky and dangerous. To go against such a dangerous group like the Taliban has caused such a feud that this schooling has lead to a young girl being shot, in the head. But the young girl’s inspirational story and those of people like Razia Jan have sparked action throughout the globe. More and more people are becoming concerned with the matter, and are showing their support through charities and various organizations. I strongly believe that Razia Jan is a true incentive for many girls who are bound and held back. Razia Jan is changing her dystopia one small girl at a time, and is shaping it into a world of equality.
Sources: http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cnn.heroes/2012.heroes/razia.jan.html