I have learned so much as the Receiver as I am sure you had too. I learned about things beyond our communities understanding, I learned about happiness, I learned about pain. I experienced and suffered all the memories passed down to me and I have held the heavy burden of this society. I have learned so much, as I know you had. But I have realized now how ignorant and selfish this community is. Keeping away the freedom of life from us, just to make life easier. I now fully understand why you would want to be released, although I do not have have this option I cannot fully escape the society so I am left with the only other option. Running away.
As we both know this community is strict on the laws of sameness, they know nothing about feelings and emotions, and nothing about the freedom of choice and it has been this way for very long. "Listen to me Jonas, they can't help it, they know nothing." (pg. 153)“There’s nothing we can do. It’s always been this way. Before me, before you, before the ones who came before you. Back and back and back.” (pg.154) I know you and I have learned about this society and their way of life compared to the one we could have have like in all the memories, despite the pain and suffering that comes with the happiness and joy of the past we both know that living with freedom of choice is the best way to live. With this we also know that changing our world would be impossible to negotiate, therefore I now know the real reason behind why you applied for release. Your father told me that the city went into panic after you had left, they could not manage all the pain and experience of all the memories at once, although I knew this was your plan and your only way of truly showing the community the freedom of choice, I am sorry to tell you it did not turn out as I know you might of planned. The community simply forgot about the "horrific" incident, forgot about the memories and forgot about you and this is exactly the reason that has persuaded me to leave.
Your father and I are convinced that the only way our community, our world will go back to the way it once was is if I run away, Elsewhere. Elsewhere, where there are colors, feelings freedom. When I do leave we both know that all the memories I have been given will spread into our city, leaving it's citizens to experience all the memories I have left good and bad. This will take them into asking help from your father, guidance, and that's where he will simply show them all that living in freedom is the only way to live. There the world will go on and our future generations will carry out this way of life for years and years to come. Although of coarse there is that chance of it turning out differently, there could be negatives, my trip away from my family and loved ones could just be in vain. But I will never know, I can only hope for the best.
Finally I end this letter with a thank you, for showing us, your father and I, that there is a way out of our pointless world and a way into freedom.
Thank You Rosemary,
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