Through art, early humans expressed their culture. They painted what they saw, and what they did.
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I want to write about how they painted what they saw around them. Think about it, back then everything they saw was a new discovery. From the smallest ant, to the biggest mammoth. They painted bison, horses, deer, bears even imaginary animals they had just thought of. For example look at this painting on the right. You can see that the artist has drawn a scene of many different animals running across the plains. From this I would probably say that this is a scene in which the artist had seen and then decided to record it. Or possibly the might of drawn rain or the sun the moon. Everything would of been exciting and new and be worth painting.
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Now how they painted what they did. From the picture on the left you could probably say early humans did a lot of hunting, and that most probably this is the reason they created so many painting of humans hunting. The reason I chose this specific picture is that it shows to common weapons they used to hunt, both made for being able to kill from a long distance therefor hunting safely. One is a bow and arrow, the other a spear thrower. This tells us that they painted the artifacts they had made as well as just scenes. Not only did they record how they hunted, but the vast vast amount of rituals they had as well. The second painting is actually a recorded ceremony for hunting. As you can see in the second
picture the artist has drawn in the spear the man has
used and possibly his totem which would be the bird
on what looks like a thin stick. Not only did they
paint in their totems but also some animals faced
masks, that scientists believe could of been a sign
to show what tribe or clan they had belonged to.
All in all that is my final answer. There must be tons
of different answer depending on the person but
personally I think I have answered it well. So my
conclusion is that early humans expressed their
prehistoric culture by painting what they say and
what they did.
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