Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Stood Up

     The whole sixth grade, recently had a bully talk. We mainly watched a video about kids bullying in a public American school. I had always thought that almost all schools had the same environment that I had always lived in, but after that video I knew I was completely wrong. Especially about the kids and how extreme their bullying was.

     The video basically showed some kids that told their story about being bullied or being the bully. Some were the usual but some went up to extreme measures. I felt very sorry for those kids and their story, and I felt that it should just stop. Some people have the courage to do this, but some people don't. Here is my story on when I stood up.

     My family and I are friends with almost all the South Americans in KL. So once in a while we have little get togethers with some of them. Most of the time we usually meet up in someones house to have a dinner but occasionally on someones birthday or a special celebration we have a party. And about two or three moths age we had one, it was the "Tournament of Badminton" for the grown ups, but my friends and I mostly stayed in the pool. We were all happy and smiling, except when when the party neared it's end.

     After playing endlessly in the water until our fingers looked like small prunes, we decided to go over to the courts to see how the tournament was going. When we got there we heard celebrating I knew that someone had won but never my own parents! It looked like so much fun I wanted to try. So one of my friends called Juliana  and this boy named Luisiano and his sister Luisina played against us. 1-0, 2-0, 3-0, 4-1, 5-1, 6-1! We just kept scoring and scoring! Now I don't mean to be mean, but i've never liked this boy, I think he is mean, inconsiderate, a big show off and everything else that you can think of! Because of this I try to stay away from him as much as possible to not cause any trouble, but that plan didn't work today.

     So as I said we were winning really badly so after a couple of points, we started over celebrating our one point, "7-1 7-1!! we're winning we're winning!" I knew he would really annoyed, and that's probably why i did it. But right after the game finished, we were celebrating so much and so loudly that he got so annoyed, he swung he racket and hit my friend on the arm! I got really mad. I saw him look at my mood, he started walking away but I moved faster. I went right up to him and said exactly what I felt. :How could you do that! I can't believe you are such a bad sportsman that just because I silly game you get so mad you didn't win you just go and hit someone!" I was breathing so hard and my face was bright red. He had hit her so hard that she had started crying! (and she's not the type that would cry over anything) For days I just kept wanting to punch him right in the face, but i knew I couldn't do that."At lest he got told off from his mother." I kept saying in my head. I guess that made me a little more calm. So I got over it.

But later I realized the whole thing was partially my own fault. I remember I just kept teasing him, and teasing him, and never stopped. And according to the video that is definitely considered bullying. Of coarse, hitting someone with a badminton racket is a million times worse, but if i hadn't said anything, Juliana would have never gotten hit in the first place. So I learned a lesson that day, next time think of what you'r going to do before you do it. Thats definitely something I would do differently.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Courage Story

 Mendoza my hometown, is the best place to be ever. Especially because of its beautiful landscape which contains mostly... mountains. My whole family loves to climb mountains. All of them, from the highest to the lowest, we try to climb them all. We always have a good time climbing them, and each of the "adventures" are always quite memorable. Especially a time long ago when i was only 7.

I don't get to see my whole family very often, (grandma, grandpa...) So whenever I do see them we always make sure we do very fun things together. And of coarse we always go mountain climbing. Now when I was that age, I would only climb fairly low mountains, but on that particular day my family thought they might change it up a bit. So my father, sister, three cousins, and I set off to find a good mountain to climb. We searched until we came upon a good starting point. So we started to hike. I was having a good time, it was easy only a few scratches, I was fine. Until I noticed my shortness of breath and the time it was taking to get to the top. I was getting a little worried, I knew we were going higher and higher, but i kept it to myself I didn't want to spoil it. We kept going, my dad as the leader, then my sister me, and my three cousins. Suddenly the youngest of the three cries out, "I can't do it it's too hard let me stay here!" My dad couldn't leave him there so the eldest (18) volunteers to stay with him, My dad tells them to stay there and not to move from that spot. We keep going.

It's getting a lot harder to breathe I tell myself, and a lot colder, two signs were getting higher. "Be careful," my dad, "it's a lot more dangerous up here." Now i'm freaking out. Why did he have to say that? Then we hear it again. "I can't" says the last cousin, so once again my dad has the lecture about keeping still and not moving. We keep going.

I'm getting really tired now, and the trail up to thee stop is getting really dangerous as well. I feel like i'm about to burst out in tears, i've always been a bit afraid of heights, but I kept thinking, if i fall it will be the end. But I sucked it up, my family, especially my dad and my sisters thought I could never accomplish anything without whining. So I thought this was a good chance to prove that I could. The only thing holding me back was my dad's comments. Things like are you tired? Want to stop? We can go back if you want. I know he meant well, but it got on my nerves, now I wanted to get to the top more than ever. We were all getting very tired, I could tell. We all wanted to get to the top, and fast.

Finally we see the top, we all practically raced there. It was such a good feeling to have accomplished something on my own. At the top the breeze was beautiful and so was the scenery. I was so glad I had done it. We felt like we were on top of the world. All the way back down I got pats on the back. I felt good. I did it.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How did early humans use art to express their prehistoric culture?

How did early humans use art to express their prehistoric culture?

 Through art, early humans expressed their culture. They painted what they saw, and what they did.

  I want to write about how they painted what they saw around them. Think about it, back then everything they saw was a new discovery. From the smallest ant, to the biggest mammoth. They painted bison, horses, deer, bears even imaginary animals they had just thought of. For example look at this painting on the right. You can see that the artist has drawn a scene of many different animals running across the plains. From this I would probably say that this is a scene in which the artist had seen and then decided to record it. Or possibly the might of drawn rain or the sun the moon. Everything would of been exciting and new and be worth painting.

 Now how they painted what they did. From the picture on the left you could probably say early humans did a lot of hunting, and that most probably this is the reason they created so many painting of humans hunting. The reason I chose this specific picture is that it shows to common weapons they used to hunt, both made for being able to kill from a long distance therefor hunting safely. One is a bow and arrow, the other a spear thrower. This tells us that they painted the artifacts they had made as well as just scenes. Not only did they record how they hunted, but the vast vast amount of rituals they had as well. The second painting is actually a recorded ceremony for hunting. As you can see in the second
picture the artist has drawn in the spear the man has
used and possibly his totem which would be the bird
                                                                                        on what looks like a thin stick. Not only did they 
                                                                                           paint in their totems but also some animals faced 
                                                                                           masks, that scientists believe could of been a sign
                                                                                           to show what tribe or clan they had belonged to.


                                                                                          All in all that is my final answer. There must be tons
                                                                                          of different answer depending on the person but 
                                                                                          personally I think I have answered it well. So my 
                                                                                          conclusion is that early humans expressed their 
                                                                                          prehistoric culture by painting what they say and
                                                                                          what they did. 
