Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Learning Profiles kk/cc

This year my learning style has changed from 'L' I have now become both Profiles CC and KK. I have two because I feel that I use both sides of my brain left and right equally in and out of school. I think this year my learning profiles seem to suit me better as I feel I can relate more to the descriptions.

According to my learning profiles I learn best through movemnt, which I think is true, I like to be hands on and be interactive. My learning profile also states that I learn best by analyzing details and finding out what is emotionally relevant to me. And when learning I feel that I completely agree that I like to be taught in a very structual mannar, and I take in more when appropriate sequencing of the information is given to me. And even though I am a gestalt learner, my logical side allows me too easily follow step by step instructions even though I love to start imagining the finished project and doing tasks in the order I think is best.

My profile tells me I need to plan my 'movements' although I am usually spontanious and fluid, when under stress I need to take a step back and proceed with caution. Also my left eye scands from right to left, which seems a bit odd, since all the reading I've ever done has been left to right, I am not sure what this means but with it I can sometimes have difficulty concentrating on learning languages and I may reverse and jumble up all the letters in my head. I am not sure I totally agree with this, since I have never really expirienced it, but it sounds like something i might do under a great deal of stress.

Helping me with these challenges I have would be to do simple excersizes, for example Lazy Eights, Thinking Caps, This brain exercise increases blood flow to the brain. The extra blood flow, the extra water, switches the brain on. And to always keep me balanced I need to make sure I do both art based acitivities, and more logic based ones. For example, I few math excersizes, and a few minutes of free dance could be an easy routine to fit into my day.

I think my teachers should know I am the biggest procrastinator I know. It is extremely hard for me to stay concentrated on my work for long periods of time and especially when there is great amounts of work, I feel I get very stressed and I can't do it all. And more specifically on computers. I get side tracked with other websites and activities and it always takes me twice as long to get work done than it should. Finally the most important thing I want my teachers to understand is that I am very capable of using both my right and left side of my brain, and that I don't think I have a problem of reading languages, as the one I am taking now, French I enjoy very much and I have no serious problems with. I think i am well rounded with both sides of my brain I just need to keep it that way by balancing my activities on both sides.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Shutting Down Minds

Why would anyone have the right to close down a library, to close down a mind? To close down accessible knowledge to the public? To close down a paradise?

Governments right now in Britain have decided to shut the doors of many libraries around the nation. Through this act I feel almost disgusted that a council would consider this option whatever the circumstances. Yes, there might be an economy crisis but the last thing to resort to would be shutting down a place of free education to all. People all around the world rely on the access to a library, and access to internet. In the world of today internet access is immensely important to all, information is everywhere, jobs depend on the access of internet, and many people who do not have this luxury will not be able to exceed the expectations of our world today. So naturally people began to protest over this crime. But one anonymous person did so in such a way that not only shocked, but delighted most people.

This unknown artist has changed the form of protest and turned it into more of a silent cry for help. He or she has showed the importance of books through art. Which I think in most cases can create a much more meaningful message to all. I hope the government notices the artwork, and notices the importance of libraries to all.